Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


World of plastic

By: Purple Motion

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Purple Motion / Future Crew

final version!

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comments Comments

A neat little tune, upbeat with some melodies that are typical of the of the 80s, 90s eras.

Posted by nazz on Tue 21st Mar 2023

Short but sweet - A really nice mashup of synths and chip samples. Great melodies and chord progressions which don't get out of my head.

Posted by Saga Musix on Fri 19th Jun 2009

Purple Motion is a good example of the proper use of synth, This song sounds like a an 8-bit nintendo game song that you could not get out of your head. and, consider the fact that this song is only 64k. The overall feel of the song is upbeat and videogame!! grab this one its worth it.! No ending....ok ok... this song uses quite a bit of effects on the synth channels but others wise not that much is used, just the composition of the song is enough to hold the song together...

Posted by Carbon on Mon 11th Jan 1999


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