Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


time's the remedy

By: Mr. Man

dl MOD Download

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mr.man/andromeda 1992
all samples by mr.man
tune made on request
for the silents music
-mag; digital output!
thanx for asking,911!
"anytime!" hope you
find the tune useful.

message to...
lord interface/andr.
i'm truely sorry for
the tremendous delay!
disks coming soon!!!!
if you want to...
contact me...
(no swapping!) then..
write to:
ronny nordeide
gjekstadveien 83
n-3200 sandefjord
norway *******
answer not guaranteed
i don't have the time
but i'll do my best.


Info Info

TIMEREME.MOD is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 138.13KB in size and has been downloaded 3259 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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