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The Raven Is Flying

By: Aberration

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Made by: Aberration

Lenght: 4.37 min
Finishdate: 990731

Mattias Jansson &
Emil Eriksson

Borlange Sweden

Recognize this song??

Maybe you have seen
a film called (in Swe-
dish) "Korpen flyger"!
If u translate the
title it will be:
"The raven is flying"
We don't know who
the composer to the
original song is! If
you know, please let
us know!!





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ravenfly.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 639.67KB in size and has been downloaded 16308 times since Fri 6th Aug 1999 :D

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A bit somber yet upbeat at the same time -- seems to work here. Love the heavy techno synths and simple drum beats. Only thing that's lacking are the sample qualities, if they were in stereo this song would be killer.

Posted by Drozerix on Mon 30th Jan 2023

trance-ish, 90s like, slightly melancholic

Posted by marisa on Sun 27th Jun 2021

The nice flute melody in this disco song is taken from the Iceland movie "Hrafninn Flygur" (very good one). The melody is a bit sad but it is still a very good one. The work in the back also sounds great and all fits in nicely. The layout is pretty simple and so is the melody that keeps going through the whole song, but it is interesting all the time. The baseline and drums sounds great. The song would be better if the artist used some more echo. Minus also for the cutting on the strings at channel 0-2. 3 more channels here would be good. Samples are 8-bit, but yet of good quality all over.

Posted by Ghidorah on Tue 24th Aug 1999


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