Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Hispeed mainmenu v2.01

By: Purple Motion

dl S3M Download

Info Internal Texts

(c) Purple Motion 1995
for Hispeed-game

sequences by me of course..
used Quadrasynth and
DR660 for samples

-- 10-channels --

045-047 (welcome to hispeed

040-043 (Prepare for race)

030-035 (longer version for
prepare to race!)

049-066 (Black Market mus.)

081-090 (Hiscore (looped))

don't load these samples!!
(25-26) (saves nearly 60K!)
Blank (use this for
reseting sounds)


Info Info

menutune.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 494.00KB in size and has been downloaded 13550 times since Mon 20th Aug 2001 :D

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comments Comments

I thought I'd also add that this song has subsongs - after the first 4 minute one is another, and then a few more... So essentially it's about 15-20 minutes long or so... I didn't time it to be honest but, still this track is worth listening to all the way through. Fantastic composition and samplework which complemented the gameplay of Death Rally to no end. Top score from me.

Posted by m0d on Wed 16th May 2007

This is the "Death Rally" menu tune. When I heard this for the first time, i was really sure that this was *NOT* a module - but when i found these tunes at the mod archive, i was really surprised. Purple Motion makes a great usage of the main loop (that sitar-like sound) and the slightly overdriven drums really add to the atmosphere. all in all: perfect menu tune ;)
If you want to have a listen to the other Death Rally tunes, check:
Track one - hispeed / Hispeed - track whatever.. / Fast-D / Track (futuristic) / Hispeed - track II / Hispeed hazard / Citylights - Citytrack / Botswana hard - JungleTrack / Paavinkatu blues

Posted by Saga Musix on Wed 16th May 2007


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