Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


delta connected

By: ko0x

dl IT Download

Info Internal Texts

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((( Delta Connected is a medley of a
;;; few melody tryouts I did for bcc8.
III I didnt know which part i should
::: complete so now its a 3 part track.
((( Hope you like it.
III regardz
::/ ko0x


Info Info

ko0x_-_delta-connected.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 99.24KB in size and has been downloaded 2736 times since Fri 20th Jul 2007 :D

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comments Comments

author says it's a medley. it's a nice medley indeed. it consists of three songs: first one is a pure chip happiness that i recommend for everyone to listen, second one is quite desorienting but melodic tune, and third one is a cosmic-like-echoing chip. very nice pick.

Posted by A-zTech on Sat 25th Oct 2008


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