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Truth in my heart

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.TRutH iN mY HeaRT.
by dA
coMPoSeR GiRLie
. P u D D i N G.
especial for the
.musicdisk of LeVeL-D.

i think this is my
first song that
really comes from
the deep of my heart
listen to it and try
to feel the emotions
what this song tells
you. it has a real
story. it means for
me a new life . . .
a re-birth :)

once upon a time
it was a little
spirit who felt her
alone in the big
world. she had so
many planes - so
many dreams to come
true. she was still
a child but she
thought that nobody
needs her. she was
lonely and in a day
she found a similar
spirit. but didn't
know that she never
will to fall in love
with a simple boy.
she just guessed
deep in her soul
that she's always
waiting for the One.
she feared to bring
ruin the spirit who
she liked and
began to escape from
the world. music was
the only thing what
she lived for. she
lost her dreams and
the harmony in her
soul and didn't know
the emotions anymore
she didn't dare to
tell the truth and
escaped from the
world and the people
she didn't want to
believe in freedom
and the eternal
happyness 2 years long
in a beautiful day
she acqainted a
spirit who was
escaped as soon as
she. they were
friends but felt the
same from the first
time. the girl's
fear were bigger and
bigger while she
became strong and
recognize the spirit
He's the man, who
is the One that she
always waited for!!!
that's the t r u t h

That's you, my little
MaGNeTiC !!!!!!!!!!!!

and this song is
dedicated to him, the
only man, who changed
my life in a little
minute !!!
Thank you. I became
___a w o m a n. ___
N o m o r e l i e s!
Always let yourself
tell the t r u t h !
...that's the story...
Songlength: 8.23 ( ! )
yup, it's really my
longest song ever :)))
----contact me:-------
+36 52 447-179
finished at:
2000. febr. 18.
6.06 AM

P u d d y of
piano brite
<taken from trajic's
multisampled piano>
piano lower :)
<taken from trajic's
multisampled piano>
< Cyberzip/Tidal >
piano / more lower =)
FM strings =)
<puddy's nr.1 string>
_ madbit
boom nr.1
tinkle bells
bell nr.2
<capana krew>
bazedrum 1
(C) S-Ware 5-2-95 Cart
snare 1
SC - Ride Cym.
bass 1.
bass 2
Heavy Thunder
flute - i love it :)
hihat 3


Info Info

truth_in_my_heart.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.66MB in size and has been downloaded 424 times since Thu 26th May 2005 :D

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