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Party On Funk-o-tron

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Party On, Funk-o-Tron
By Dynamic Harmony
Well, here it is. My
NAiD song. Not much to
say, but a lot of guys
thought it was decent.
At this point in time,
I only know that I'm
in the top 20. Hrmm...
No greets, people
know who's important
to me. But I will add
the Most Beautiful
Girl in the World who
I shall keep nameless.
ME!!! FYI, I did the
sampling from:
- George Clinton:
[Sample Disk] 2.
- Roland E-15
- Sound Canvas
- MK Soundtrack
- Nine Inch Nails:
Pretty Hate

This song is based
on an unreleased song
by me, February 95.
Please contact me; I
need attention. =)

BASS: Low Synth
BASS: High Synth
BASS: Cut Synth

Rhythm Guitar
BASS: Real Slap
Low Piano
Mid Piano
High Piano
SAX: Riff Down
SAX: Sharp Note
SAX: Mid Note
SAX: Wah
SAX: Haw
SAX: Dull & Low
SAX: Sharp & Long
SAX: Dull Note
Normal Bass Drum
Light Bass Drum
Main Bass Drum
Closed Hihat
Half-Open Hihat
Open Hihat
Bass Drum & Dink
Crash Cymbal
Reverse Snare
Light Snare & Clap
BRASS: Wierd Hit
BRASS: Sour Fade
BRASS: Normal Fade
BRASS: Octave
BRASS: Main Hit
BRASS: Synth
BRASS: Final Hit


Info Info

party_on_funk-o-tron.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 656.52KB in size and has been downloaded 1580 times since Sat 5th Mar 2005 :D

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comments Comments

Another very nice xm... it has a lot of variation, nice funky tune to it. It's got jazzy bits, piano, jazzy brass, bass synthesizer riffs. overall it's one of my favorites. Very funky indeed.

Posted by Amoeba on Wed 6th Oct 2010


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